T. Rex Fossils Show That They Were Much Different Than Our Cinematic Depictions

Paleontologists piece together clues to understand the characteristics of dinosaurs, and with over 700 different species discovered, many conclusions come down to guesswork. But thanks to recent recoveries of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils, scientists know the king of the dinosaurs was far different from what you saw on screen.

Few Skeletons To Study

At the time of Jurassic Park’s production, in the entire world, just seven or eight full T. rex skeletons had been recovered by paleontologists. Fast forward to today, experts have a much clearer grasp of what the unofficial king of the dinos really looked like.

Further Discoveries

Over a dozen additional full T. rex skeletons have been recovered from around the world as of 2019. Further study of the remains led to drastically different portraits of the carnivorous beast than science had constructed.

What We've Learned

One of the most significant features of the T. rex that came to light was that they were the originators of the business in the front, party in the back lifestyle. That’s right, the most fearsome of the dinosaur community rocked a mullet.

Fierce And Feathered

The experts deduced that, like the other members of the tyrannosaur species, the T. rex had tufts of feathers running from the top of their heads to down their spines, with a cute little feather fluff at the tips of their tails.