Paris Bennett Finally Reveals The Motive Behind His Actions

Hardworking mother of two, Charity Bennett, provided healthy and happy childhoods for her kids Paris and Ella. But one night, when she hired a babysitter so she could work a shift at her job, Charity's world completely fell apart. Only a few hours into her shift, she received a call from the police. The news they gave her changed her entire perception of the bond between her two children.

Atypical Teen

Paris Bennett was different. He didn't spend his time the way other kids his age did. Instead of playing video games, going to the movies, and hanging out with friends, he sat in a cement box with bars, imprisoned.

Happy Childhood

It wasn't always like that, of course. When he was young, he was a well-behaved kid who excelled in school. He was close with his mother, Charity, and when his younger sister came into their lives, he seemed even happier.

Sibling Bond

Ella was an adorable young child who immediately clicked with her older brother. Whenever they went out, Paris was always at her side to help with whatever she needed. Charity admired how well the two got along.

Bright Future

The siblings only grew closer as they got older. Their home in Abilene, Texas, finally felt complete, and Charity looked forward to Paris looking out for Ella as she got older. Unfortunately, trouble was on the horizon.