Sick Girl's Bucket List Launches One Of The Biggest Investigations Cops Have Seen In Years

In a world where sick children aren't a rare sight, it's comforting to know that people are willing to go above and beyond to make their final days special. Yet, there are those looking to take advantage of a little goodwill. Those supporting one sick Colorado girl soon discovered that even those in need are capable of doing despicable things.

Child In Need

But make no mistake — Olivia Gant wasn't an ordinary, healthy child. At the age of two she was diagnosed with autism, and throughout early childhood, she suffered from constipation, feeding intolerance, and seizures.

Invasive Treatments

She received intense treatment as a result, including an ostomy bag and feeding tubes. Things only seemed to get worse as she grew, as according to her mother, Kelly Turner, Olivia had developed more than a dozen ailments by the time she was four.

Blog For Funds

With the hospital bills piling up, Turner began reaching out to collect financial support for her ailing child. She created a blog to chronicle Olivia's treatment and progress, and in June 2015, a benefit was held to raise money for future procedures.

Community Support

As Olivia's story spread throughout her Colorado hometown, more and more people came out in support of the little girl. Food drives, bake sales, and dozens of other fundraisers served to provide Turner with plenty of money for Olivia's care.